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Words of wisdom
Like everyone, we are always searching high and low for the answers to the big topics!
Please enjoy the following conversations with a diverse selection of people from all walks of life. Business people, new entrepreneurs, experienced change makers from different industries to give us all a few tips to 'be better' in our work and life. The young, the bold the wishful thinking and the wise.
Its always such a pleasure capturing peoples input and personal wisdom, so I thank everyone involved for their time and generous contribution. We hope you enjoy!
The BE BETTER Series
An overall look into the self and the team, covering a mix of work and life tips, from motivation to focus, as well as underlying health and fitness tips.
Heres a few pre-release snippets of our Be Better Series DUE FOR RELEASE - Aug 21
Leon 1 - What does Be Better (work-life) ean to me?Leon Miller - Experienced Manager / Managment Support Consultant
00:00 / 03:28
Leon 2 - How do you get organised.Leon Miller - Experienced Manager
00:00 / 02:03
Les 2 - MotivationLes Patterson - Experienced CEO
00:00 / 00:57
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